Kostenki is the oldest settlement of Homo Sapiens in Europe. The age of the settlement is about 50 thousand years.
Kostenki village is located in the Voronezh region of the Russian Federation, 40 km from Voronezh.
Kostenki — is the ancestral home of our civilization today, man in its present form. It was from here, from Russia, from Kostenki passed the settlement of white people in Eastern and Western Europe. Kostenki is the nest and cradle of Western civilization. Even then, a few tens of thousands of years ago, our ancestors lived here, absolutely no different from you and me.
Today in the village Kostenki is an archaeological Museum, which was built on the site of one of the sites of our ancestors. The dwelling is built in the form of a circle. As the basis of the building material our ancestors used the bones and skins of dozens of mammoths. Under the dome of the Museum is the home of ancient people in its original form.
Our ancestors were able to survive in the extreme conditions of that time. For 50 thousand years and to this day in the territory of today’s village Kostenki people continue to live. And at the same time, scientists every year make more and more discoveries on the site of a unique monument of an ancient settlement, where our ancestors lived tens of thousands of years ago, the village of Kostenki.
Ilya Liashchonak
For cooperation drapezhnik1@gmail.com